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About Us

I'm a mother, wife, daughter, sister and (hopefully) a good friend to some. I also make cakes. It is so true that you never know where life will take you. In my case, something that I loved doing for my family and friends accidentally turned into a business.


In 2009, I was preparing for my oldest daughter's first birthday party and wanted a custom cake. I decided to attempt to make the cake myself. The cake was a hit with my daughter, and as mothers do, I posted a picture of it on Facebook. I got tons of requests to make more cakes and I spent the next three years making hundreds of cakes. In the process, I learned a lot about making cakes and developed my own recipes, style and techniques. 


In early 2014, my husband and I decided it was time to move out of our kitchen and into a proper bakery....and Margie's Mixing Bowl was born.


Today, thanks to my amazing customers, I have been able to continue doing what I love - making the best (and yummiest) cakes and cupcakes I can. My commitment is to always use the freshest ingredients and to never compromise on quality. I make icing with butter, not shortening...because it simply tastes better. We have great customers and they deserve a great product. It's that simple.


- Margie

© 2024 Margie's Mixing Bowl LLC

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